In addition to art directing the illustration and concept art needs I also designed the key assets from logos to master pages and contributed concept art and illustrations where possible.
In addition to art directing the illustration and concept art needs I also designed the key assets from logos to master pages and contributed concept art and illustrations where possible.

ILLUSTRATOR: Jonas Andreassen
DESCRIPTION: Created for a supplementary book this illustration shows a ship picking up cargo from the planet surface. As the books were all in a digest format the smaller format allowed for a much looser and more painterly look.
DESCRIPTION: Created for a supplementary book this illustration shows a ship picking up cargo from the planet surface. As the books were all in a digest format the smaller format allowed for a much looser and more painterly look.

ILLUSTRATOR: Alex Iglesias
DESCRIPTION: A collection of ships from The Void core book by Alex Iglesias.
DESCRIPTION: A collection of ships from The Void core book by Alex Iglesias.

ILLUSTRATOR: Jonas Andreassen
DESCRIPTION: This illustration depicts a group of shock troopers being chased by Night Gaunts in a drop ship.
DESCRIPTION: This illustration depicts a group of shock troopers being chased by Night Gaunts in a drop ship.

DESCRIPTION: In conjunction with Tom Garden these are a core group of creatures representing an evolution of classic Lovecraftian creatures within the Void universe. The most notable creatures being Deep One Hybrids (second from the left), Mi-Go (third from the left), and Night Gaunts (Third from the right).
DESCRIPTION: In conjunction with Tom Garden these are a core group of creatures representing an evolution of classic Lovecraftian creatures within the Void universe. The most notable creatures being Deep One Hybrids (second from the left), Mi-Go (third from the left), and Night Gaunts (Third from the right).

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Mike Vaillancourt
DESCRIPTION: One page flyer and product sell sheet top left and middle. Far Right: Master page designs for book interior layout. Bottom Left: GM Screen featuring several illustrations from the book with title and graphic design work.
DESCRIPTION: One page flyer and product sell sheet top left and middle. Far Right: Master page designs for book interior layout. Bottom Left: GM Screen featuring several illustrations from the book with title and graphic design work.

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Mike Vaillancourt
DESCRIPTION: The original title of the game was "Chthonian Stars". After completing the original logo the title was changed to "The Void". The logo design and custom font be seen here as well as final master page designs for the interior of the book.
DESCRIPTION: The original title of the game was "Chthonian Stars". After completing the original logo the title was changed to "The Void". The logo design and custom font be seen here as well as final master page designs for the interior of the book.